The Utah Theatre Association is holding auditions for theatre in front of nearly every theatre professor in the state of Utah. This is the audition of a lifetime for me! I've been working toward getting into college programs since the eight grade and now the time has come to prove myself and test my work. I'm so nervous! The auditions are the last weekend of January during the Utah Theatre Conference that the CHS productions class will be attending. The scary thing is I'm not competing against myself, or my school.... I'm competing against theatre students just like me all over the state who want it just as bad and have worked just as hard as me. The good news is that I'm prepared! I just sent in my head shot and resume on friday and I have picked my audition material. I will sing "Funny" from City of Angels. It is a great dramatic peice and I'm so lucky to have found a great baritone song thats not too overdone. I will also perform a monologue form Wall of Water. Wall of Water is a hiilarious comedy about a community bathroom in an apartment building. I'm really happy with the material I have found. Now all I can do is work my but off to have the best audition possible! I still can't beleive this is all happening. It seems like yesterday that I was in Bye Bye Birdie at the junior high screaming songs that were way too low for my unchanged voice ha ha. But I've done as much work as I possibly could in the past four years and for some reason I always asumed I'd be ready for all the change thats happening in my life but sadly I'm not. There are days that I can't wait to head off to college and leave my high school days behind. But then there are days when I think it wouldn't be too bad if I could just go back and re-do the last few years. It would certinly be less stressful and a whole heap easier! I'm scared to death to move on with my life but I know that I will be happy with my future as long as I keep doing what I love to do. (even if that means being an out of work actor/waiter in new york) :) wish me luck!!!
mmmm that makes me think I wanna make my blog all awesome! I totally agree though. I'm so scared to go to the next stage of my life...but I hope it's fun and exciting! The worst part will not be seeing my friends everyday and doing something ridiculous to get a laugh out of a few of my best friends! I love you Jaron, and I hope we can be friends for a long time!
Im sure you will do awesome Jaron, just work hard and keep the faith! We love you and support you 100% (especially if your a big movie star someday! just kidding, but seriously:) Love ya.
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