CHS productions last performance of the year, Radium Girls, will open on april 22-25. This is one of the most powerful and moving productions I have ever been in. It is a historical drama about young girls who worked as painters for a radium company. They painted glow in the dark paint on watches for soldiers in WW2. As they painted the dials they would point the tips of their brushes with their lips. Over time the radium from the paint went into their bodies and poisoned them. This show focuses on the life of one of these girls named Grace Fryer. Grace takes action against the company that is neglecting to help her pay for medical bills and assume responsibility for her condition. The play teaches a great message about taking responsibility for ones actions, and how one persons determination can go a long way. This is one of those shows that could make you cry so if you like that kind of thing this is the show for you :) This show has a special meaning to me because it is my last performance at CHS. I have learned so much at this school and I'm getting ready to move on. This show has a great meaning to CHS as well as it is our director Alyn Bone's last year teaching at CHS. We're sad to see her go but we're so greatful for everything she has taught us. We want nothing more than to make her last show at CHS the best show she has ever done!