Sadie came with our family to Flaming Gorge over the fourth and it was way fun!! We pretty much wakeboarded every day for a week and had a blast!! Neither of us are very good at it, but we had fun anyway :)It was fun to go and "rough it" for a while... even though we stayed in my trailer and took showers every day ha ha. At the end of the trip we were more than happy to be going home to a soft bed and a clean house though !!
That was indeed alot of fun...and i see that you figured out the whole music thing. good boy.
Hey jaron! Yeah I think you just need to come by and see our new place. You can drive now, even though from the look of your moms car, not very well. lol just kidding. Let us know when you star in another play so we can come watch. love ya.
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