Every single person on this planet has at least one secret that could break your heart. If we could just remember that, there would be a lot more compassion and tolerance in the world

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So I have some exciting news! I was accepted into the 2010-2011 company of the BYU YOUNG AMBASSADORS!!!!! For those of you who don't know what that is, its a group of some of BYU's most talented singers and dancers that put on a two hour musical review that travels all over the country to bring the love of music and the gosple to as many people as possible. Its an incredible opportunity and I am very blessed and lucky to have been accepted into the company!

Head to that site if you are curious as to what the young ambassadors look and sound like! you can also jump from that page to the mains site for more info! i'll be posting more information about performances and tours in the comming months! woohoo!!!!!


Kayleigh said...

i am so proud of you.

why is it i found out about all of your important life events via your blog? poo.

(i just thought the word poo was funny. that's basically the reason i put it there.)

Stephen said...

YAY! good job! You are super talented. Way to go Jaron! That would be such an honor to be in that group....my mom once told me (when I was making fun of jessica's stage light performance) "All you can do is join the circus!" haha So that is an honor Jaron!

Bradley said...

Jaron!! Holy crap! Congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you. Young Ambassadors are amazing, and you will certainly help them continue their tradition. Way to go!

Holly said...

WOW!!! I knew you were talented enough!! That is SO AWESOME!! I remember when I was little, living in Marianna, FL going to see The Young Ambassadors perform at Chipola Jr College!! I thought they were SO AMAZING and I wanted to do that someday! Yeah... well... life happened... I'll just live through your updates on THAT life experience... What do ya' say? KEEP US POSTED on ALL your amazing adventures!! ;D